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  Tozenji Temple Website > Kozukenosuke Oguri and Eiichi Shibusawa    Kozukenosuke Oguri and Eiichi Shibusawa               


Kozukenosuke Oguri and Eiichi Shibusawa
Eiichi Shibusawa could be on the 10,000 yen bill, but Yataro Iwasaki could not.



"If Eiichi Shibusawa had been rejected by Kozukenosuke Oguri at that time, there might not have been a Eiichi Shibusawa on the 10,000 yen bill..." said Mr. S, a well-known history buff from Fukaya City, laughing over the phone. He was the one who helped me when I gave a lecture at the Eiichi Shibusawa Memorial Hall on February 17, 2019.  

When was that time and what kind of conversation did Oguri have with Eiichi Shibusawa?

                    - The following is an abridged excerpt from "Seien Sensei's Speech and Discourse." -





◆ Akitake Tokugawa, the younger brother of Shogun Yoshinobu Tokugawa, was to be sent to the Paris Exposition to be held in 1866, Keio 2, as Yoshinobu's representative. Akitake was busy making preparations in Yokohama in December of the previous year for the opening of the Exposition. Kozukenosuke Oguri, the accounting magistrate in charge of exhibits at the Expo, went to greet Akitake before his departure.  

Akitake's follower, Tokudayu Shibusawa (previously called Eiichi Shibusawa), was to accompany him as treasurer and in charge of mundane affairs (general affairs). Shibusawa was worried about the cost of Akitake's stay in Paris, where he was scheduled to study for a long time after visiting England and other European countries after the Expo, so Shibusawa went to greet Kozukenosuke Oguri, who had finished greeting Akitake.

When Oguri heard Shibusawa's request that Akitake's expenses during his five-year stay in Paris be kept under control, he said, "You are an interesting man, aren't you? Just a short while ago, you were advocating expulsion of the barbarians and planning to raise an army on Mount Akagi, take over Takasaki Castle, take weapons, overthrow the shogunate, and push on to Yokohama to drive the foreigners across the sea. And yet, it is strange to worry about the Shogunate that far into the future, five years down the road."

▲ "Takeki Ohgon-no Kuni (The Valiant Land of Gold)" by Hiroshi Motomiya, (Shueisha) 1991-.

◆渋沢はびっくりした。 過激な水戸学に傾倒した栄一は、たしかにそのとおりの計画を進めて仲間と武器を集めた。決起する寸前に京都から戻ったいとこ渋沢長七郎(渋沢惇忠の弟)の「どう考えてもこの計画は無謀で実行不可能、うまくゆくはずがない。無駄死にはしないでほしい」という必死な意見で中止となり、既にひそかに武器を買い集めたことだしこのまま留まっていればいずれすべて露見する、として深谷(血洗島村)を出てバラバラに各地へ散った経過がある。




◆ Shibusawa was taken aback. Shibusawa, who was devoted to radical Mitogaku, indeed went ahead with the plan and gathered friends and weapons. However, just before they were about to rise up, Shibusawa's cousin Choshichiro Shibusawa (younger brother of Atsutada Shibusawa), who had just returned from Kyoto, told them, "This plan is reckless and unfeasible, and there is no way it will work. I do not want you to die in vain." With his desperate opinion, the uprising was called off. The men had already secretly purchased weapons, and they knew that, if they remained in the village, they would eventually be exposed, so they left Fukaya (Chiaraijima Village in today's Saitama Prefecture) and scattered to various locations.

Oguri, whom Shibusawa had never met before, knew all this.  

Shibusawa, in a cold sweat, said, "No... that was a long time ago..," and then Oguri replied, "What do you mean, it was only a year or two ago? ... Well, don't worry, I'm just joking. I know who you are. It is a pleasure to have a man of your high aspirations assisting Lord Akitake. Please work hard for the Lord." He smiled and put the matter to rest. Then, he added, "As long as I am in charge of the account, I will definitely send you money, so don't worry." Oguri then added, "But you must be prepared for the fate of the Shogunate."                                

                   - The following is an abridged excerpt from "Seien Sensei's Speech and Discourse." -


◆「貴殿の事も承知している」とは…「貴殿のように高い志を持った者がついていることは結構なこと」 と渋沢の人物を認めながら、「ただし前歴はまだ消えていないぞ(執行猶予中だぞ)、しっかりやれよ」と、釘を差したことになる。

Although no record has been found of the exact nature of the conversation that took place between the two men, Kozukenosuke Oguri, who had traveled to the U.S., must have been very thorough in informing Shibusawa about foreign affairs, the economy, business management, and things to see and do.

◆ Oguri's words, "I know who you are.": Acknowledging Shibusawa's character, by saying, "It is good that we have a man with high aspirations like you with us," Ogur also reminded him that his criminal record had not yet been expunged (he was still kind of on probation) and that he should be firm in his actions.




◆ "Be prepared for the fate of the Shogunate": At this time, Kozukenosuke Oguri also said, "I may not live to face the vigorous Minbu-sama (Akitake Tokugawa) again, but there is no way to control what happens then."  

These words indicate that Oguri was evidently insightful about his own fate, thinking that perhaps he may never live to see the energetic Lord Akitake again (he would not be able to fulfill his responsibility to send money for Akitake's study abroad in the middle of his position as an accounting magistrate), but there is no way to control what happens then. In fact, history has been true to his words.

◆ Hiroshi Motomiya's manga “Takeki Ohgon-no Kuni (The Valiant Land of Gold)” (Shueisha) is well known for its depiction of Yataro Iwasaki, who founded Mitsubishi, and was also performed in Takarazuka. The manga also depicts the activities of Rizaemon Minomura, who, in opposition to Mitsubishi, was a major banker at Mitsui and helped Mitsui survive the end of the Edo period and into the Meiji era. It also depicts the achievements of Kozukenosuke Oguri, who mentored Minomura who frequented the Oguri family. The book concludes with the story of Eiichi Shibusawa, who contributed to the Japanese economy by carrying on the legacy of Kozukenosuke Oguri, who was killed by the Meiji government.

Hiroshi Motomiya, a manga artist known for his gritty depictions, impressed me with his grasp of the situation surrounding Kozukenosuke Oguri.



〈 ついでに 〉


When Mr. S said, "... at that time," he meant, "If Kozukenosuke Oguri had been a hard-headed person, he would have rejected Shibusawa's words, and Shibusawa would not have gone to Paris. If so, his life would have been considerably different and he would not have become the face of the new 10,000 yen bill."

◆ In addition... Eiichi Shibusawa was chosen as the face of the 10,000 yen bill because, although he founded many companies, none of them bear his name. It must have been his management philosophy.  

Mitsubishi is so strongly associated with Yataro Iwasaki, a political merchant, that if Iwasaki were to be the face of the 10,000 yen bill, it would be difficult to use the image of "Mitsubishi money." Given the character of his business activities, which are deeply connected with the Meiji government, it is obvious that he would have drawn a roar of condemnation from the society. The bearded Iwasaki will never appear on the 10,000 yen bill.

Related Pages
Three Statements of Kozukenosuke Oguri
- "Fate of the Shogunate, Fate of Japan": Kozukenosuke Oguri foresaw the end of the Shogunate.
- On the page, there is the original text of Eiichi Shibusawa's discourse
Who is Eiichi Shibusawa, who appears on the new 10,000 yen bill? (Nikkei Business)